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Junior Java Entwickler — Life Science

sucht Posi­tion als Junior Java Entwick­ler im Life Sci­ence Umfeld, Westschweiz oder Süd­west-Deutsch­land, kurzfristig ver­füg­bar

Abschluss als Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Moleku­lar­biolo­gie (2008) und Lei­den­schaft für Java / Pro­gram­mierung seit der Schulzeit

March 2010
Junior Lev­el Lin­ux Pro­fes­sion­al, LPIC-1

April 2009
ISTQB Cer­ti­fied Soft­ware Tester, Foun­da­tion Lev­el

August 2008
Sun Cer­ti­fied Java Pro­gram­mer for the Java Plat­form, Stan­dard Edi­tion 6

Prak­tis­che Erfahrung
Branche: Biotech­nolo­gie (Jan­u­ar 2010 — aktuell)
Posi­tion: IT Onsite Sup­port Ana­lyst Drug Dis­cov­ery, 100%
Main­tain­ing a research IT infra­struc­ture; serv­ing as an inter­face between research and cor­po­rate IT; coor­di­nat­ing a large OS roll­out; sup­port­ing numer­ous R&D appli­ca­tions

Branche: Bio-Infor­ma­tion­ssys­teme (März 2008 — Novem­ber 2009)
Posi­tion: Soft­ware Test Engi­neer, 100%
Respon­si­ble for qual­i­ty assur­ance of a High-Trough­put-Screen­ing data analy­sis soft­ware; func­tion­al, accep­tance, con­fir­ma­tion and regres­sion test­ing; plan­ning and coor­di­nat­ing release test­ing; ful­ly immersed in a devel­op­ment team work­ing in an agile fash­ion; diplo­mat­ic and tact­ful coop­er­a­tion with devel­op­ers

Branche: Insti­tut für Micro-Biolo­gie (August — Sep­tem­ber 2006)
Aus­land­sprak­tikum, Trainee­ship — 100%
Auf­gabe: Con­tri­bu­tion to micro­bi­o­log­i­cal research

Branche: IT edu­ca­tion (März 2005 — Juli 2006)
Auf­gabe: Tech­ni­cal Sup­port, 20%, Stu­den­tis­che Aushil­fe
Main­tain­ing the tech­ni­cal infra­struc­ture of the branch office

Son­stiges: Teach­ing web­de­sign and pro­gram­ming

Deutsch, Mut­ter­sprache
Eng­lish, Cam­bridge Cer­tifi­cate of Advanced Eng­lish, TOEFL iBT score 109 of 120
Franzö­sisch, gut

IT Skills
Very well versed in office soft­ware
Broad expe­ri­ence with oper­at­ing sys­tems (Win­dows, Lin­ux), client/server infra­struc­ture, net­work­ing, hard­ware
Good pro­gram­ming skills in Java and expand­able knowl­edge in C++, Perl, Python, VB

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