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Junior Java Developer

South­ern Ger­many /Switzerland West
Lan­guages: Swedish, Eng­lish, Ger­man only very basic
1 Year Work­ing Expe­ri­ence / Con­sult­ing expe­ri­ence

focused and dri­ven entry-lev­el soft­ware engineer/application devel­op­er, grad­u­at­ed in may 2010

I used to work as a web­de­vel­op­er when I a few years ago felt the need for change and want­ed to broad­en my hori­zons.

This is when I decid­ed to focus more on deep­er lev­el of devel­op­ment. The choice fell on Java, because I was intrigued by the fact Java is open source and easy to imple­ment with­out regards to plat­form.
Dur­ing my edu­ca­tion I got the chance to do an intern­ship where I got to focus alot on secu­ri­ty and encryp­tion, this was real­ly inter­est­ing.

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